We are committed to getting adults with disabilities employed and believe that a relied upon role in the community is paramount to well-being.

Many policies and procedures unintentionally exclude neurodiverse individuals by not accommodating diverse needs.
Despite DEI advocacy, misconceptions about neurodiverse people continue, underscoring the need for change.
Employment services often focus on immediate job placements, neglecting long-term support for neurodiverse individuals.
DANI will be a dynamic, proactive, accessible, innovative, and highly collaborative organization that serves adults with developmental disabilities throughout their lifetime ensuring that they each reach their full potential.
1.Systemic Barriers
Many policies and procedures unintentionally exclude neurodiverse individuals by not accommodating diverse needs.
2. Persistent Biases
Despite DEI advocacy, misconceptions about neurodiverse people continue, underscoring the need for change.
3. Lacking Inclusion
Employment services often focus on immediate job placements, neglecting long-term support for neurodiverse individuals.
4. Failed Efforts
Organizations claim to value diversity yet fail to provide genuine inclusion and career progression for neurodiverse employees.
In Canada, only 26% of neurodiverse individuals are employed, a stark contrast to the national average, underscoring a significant employment gap for this group.
Whether it be volunteering at a food bank, or working part-time for a fair wage, our vocational program gives everyone an opportunity to actively contribute to the community.

Understand Needs
We leverage our 18 years of proven success in vocational education, as well as on-site training and support for neurodiverse adults, for best results.

Holistic Approach
Our approach encompasses the employer, employee, their support system, and the community, ensuring comprehensive support and inclusivity.

Know The Space
Shaped by the insights gained from working closely with individuals and employers ensuring our strategies meet the real needs of our community.
We first assess each individual's abilities and needs through a detailed intake process, then match them with an available job position from one of our partner organizations.
We provide specialized education and job training for neurodiverse adults, including practical skills and soft skills like teamwork, along with personalized career counselling and goal planning.
We partner with local organizations in our Community Participation Program, providing real-world work experience to equip individuals with essential skills for successful employment.
We support employees by offering ongoing personalized guidance and skill development to ensure their successful integration and growth in the workplace.TRAINING
We provide hands-on training and comprehensive support, ensuring neurodiverse individuals smoothly transition into competitive employment, and offer workshops to help employers foster an inclusive workplace.
We serve as a constant resource for guidance and assistance, ready to address any issues that may arise in the workplace.

DANI got me a meaningful job where I can be a valuable member of the community.
Terri Q.